In brief: We don’t buy or acquire personal information from anyone else – all we have is what you choose to give us.
We don’t share your personal information with anyone not directly concerned with the fulfilment of your enquiry or contract.
We keep your personal information safely.
In detail:
What personal information do we collect?
Name, address, email, phone number, as volunteered by you. This may include details of other members of your party (hire fleet), or owners or crew of your boat (boatyard).
We collect copies of email exchanges, and notes of telephone calls or personal visits, in connection with your enquiry or contract.
We also collect any feedback or survey reports you choose to give us. We collect photographs and customer blogs, which may include pictures of people (whether of your party or others). With your permission, we publish these, with (in some cases) attribution of your name.
We do not collect information about credit status or health (unless volunteered by you, for example in connection with your assessment of whether an infirm person can access our facilities, a cancellation or an insurance claim).
We do not collect personal data about children other than their names and ages.
We do not collect personal information on our website, except where you choose to fill in a form (see below for Google cookies).
When do we collect information?
At the time you make an enquiry or booking (whether for boat hire or boatyard services); or at a later time when you provide this information to enable us to provide the service you have requested. You may subscribe to newsletters at the time of first contact, or later.
How do we collect information?
You may give us information by web form, email, telephone, letter or in person. You may also give information to booking agents acting on our behalf. They only pass information to us relevant to an enquiry or contract.
How do we use your information?
We use your information:
• To provide the service, or fulfil the contract, that you require
• To follow up requests for further information about our service
• To send you marketing communications (brochures, newsletters, offers etc.), subject your consent
• To administer competitions and promotions
• To ask for ratings or reviews of our service
• To publish your reviews, photos and blogs, with attribution of your name, subject to your consent
How do we protect your information?
All our computers are protected by firewalls and reputable anti-virus software, to which all patches and updates are applied as soon as they become available. External servers are similarly protected, and provided by organisations which we trust. Our office procedures are designed to protect your information.
Our computers and programs are protected by passwords only available to staff authorised and trained to deal with your personal information.
All web pages (including forms) are protected by Secure Socket Layer technology. The ability to publish material on our web sites is password protected.
Bank card information is never held on our computer systems. Online and telephone card payments are handled through a reputable third-party supplier using Secure Socket Layer encryption. Once a payment has been made, our systems have no access to the card details. For payments made in person, we retain a copy of the payment slip, which records the card number and expiry date, but not the PIN, which we never see. We retain this slip for seven years.Bank card information is never held on our computer systems. Online and telephone card payments are handled through a reputable third-party supplier using Secure Socket Layer encryption. Once a payment has been made, our systems have no access to the card details. For payments made in person, we retain a copy of the payment slip, which records the card number and expiry date, but not the PIN, which we never see. We retain this slip for seven years.
Do we share your information with others?
On our websites, we publish pictures, reviews and blogs, accompanied by the customer’s name and country if overseas.
If you book a holiday with us through a booking agent, the agent retains access to the details of the booking, as held on our booking system.
Our contracted suppliers of booking system and other software have access to your data to enable them to fix faults and make improvements. Our booking system provider reports aggregated data for a number of boatyards, to show booking trends, for example. No personal data is shared.
On our Facebook site, we publish customers’ pictures, with acknowledgement and subject to consent. Facebook users leave comments if they choose. We have access to no personal Facebook information other than what is available to all.
We may share your name and phone number with Canal & River Trust, with your consent, to enable them to help you.
We share your information with public authorities if they have legal power to require it; for example, we might be asked to provide details of a boat owner to the navigation authority in connection with licensing.
We do not share your information with any other organisation.
How long do we keep your information?
Paper and computer information connected with a contract (for example, a holiday booking or boatyard service) is retained for seven years to meet HMRC and insurance requirements. Computer archives are retained indefinitely.
Information connected with enquiries not resulting in a contract is disposed of at reasonable intervals.
Do we use cookies?
Cookies are small routines which enable the location and type of your computer or device, and browsing behaviour, to be identified.
The only cookies we use are for Google Analytics, which report to Google how our web pages and Adword advertisements have been used. This information is available to us only in aggregated form, so that we can never identify a particular user.
Responsibility for safeguarding this data rests with Google. You can set preferences in your own browser, for each machine you use.
What is the lawful basis for your processing my information?
For initial enquiries, where we need your information to respond, the lawful basis for processing is Consent.
Once a contract is established, we need to process your information in order to provide the specified service. The lawful basis for processing is Contract. You may give us additional information which is peripheral to the contract, in which case our lawful basis for processing is Consent.
When the contract is complete, we need to retain your personal information for seven years to meet the requirements of HMRC and insurers, and to retain computer archives concerning financial transactions indefinitely for our own purposes. The lawful basis for processing is Legal Powers or Legitimate Interest.
If you wish us to send marketing information by post or email, we need to process your name and address. The lawful basis for processing is Consent.
If we are asked for information by public authorities, and are required by law to provide it, the lawful basis for processing is Legal Powers.
If, in the event of accident or illness, we are asked to provide information to health or emergency response staff, our lawful basis for processing is Vital Interest.
What are your rights concerning our use of your personal information?
Right of access
You may require to see what data we hold about you.
Right to rectification and data quality
You may require us to correct data which is inaccurate or incomplete.
Right to erasure including retention and disposal
The right to be ‘forgotten’. If you have had no contract with us, this can be done immediately. If you have had a contract, we must retain relevant data for seven years. Data older than this can be deleted, though we need to retain your name in our archives as a marker for past transactions.
Right to restrict processing
In this case we can retain the data but not use it.
Right of data portability
This does not apply as we do not process data by automatic means.
Right to object, or to withdraw consent
You can ask us to stop sending you direct marketing communications (eg brochures or email newsletters. Note that an ‘unsubscribe’ request will stop future mailings, but that if you require your data to be deleted you must specifically notify us.
If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please email or write to us, and we will respond appropriately as quickly as possible.
Are you under statutory or contractual obligation to give us data?
Boating holidays: you are contractually obliged to tell us the names of all party members, the ages of children, and to nominate a skipper when this is not the hirer. This is also a statutory requirement of the Hire Boat Code enforced by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.
Boatyard services: you are contractually obliged to tell us the names of all persons in charge of your boat.
Do we use automated decision-making or profiling?
Contact information
Shire Cruisers is a trading name of Britannia Narrow Boats Ltd.
Registered and office address:
The Wharf
Sowerby Bridge
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Telephone +44(1)22 832712
Registered in England and Wales 1462318
Directors NFS Stevens MBA, Susan Stevens BA ARCO
Data Protection Officer NFS Stevens, contact details above.