Out & Back Canal Holidays
Below we show some examples of routes which our customers enjoy. Distances and times shown are for the return trip. You can vary the distance to suit you, because there are plenty of turning points ('winding holes') marked in the guides on your boat. Information we provide about specific waterways or suggested routes is for general reference only. Please see more about route availability.
Boats for these routes start on Friday, Saturday or Monday at 1pm and return to Sowerby Bridge 9am.
Click for boats which can do these routes starting Saturday or Friday/Monday.

Calder Valley Exploration
40 miles 60 locks 27 hours
Discover the lower Calder Valley, and visit the university town of Huddersfield.
Todmorden & Brighouse
32 miles 54 locks 28 hours
A magical break exploring Hebden Bridge and the romantic Calder Valley.

Stanley Ferry
48 miles 54 locks 30 hours
Visit Stanley Ferry with its aqueduct like Sydney Harbour Bridge, and moor right outside amazing exhibitions at Hepworth Wakefield.